Author: Jovica Spajić

Jovica Spajic among winners at arrowhead 135
Serbian ultra-runner, Jovica Spajic was among winners at the 2019 edition of Arrowhead 135 in Minnesota, noted for the very low temperatures in which the race happened, this January end. As per results available on the race website, he was…

Čelični Srbin: Prvi na ultramaratonu u SAD, 36 sati i 8 kg manje
Trčao je po snijegu, po ledu i po užarenom pjesku. Njemu nije važno da li je pedeset ispod ili iznad nule, jer prošao je i kroz jedno i kroz drugo – zato ga i zovu Čelični Srbin. Iz Sjedinjenih Američkih…

Moab 240 Ultramarathon
Moab 240 Endurance Run represents a symbiosis of everything that makes Ultramarathon and extreme endurance races special, at the same time beautiful and dangerous. During such a “life chapter” and epic adventure, you experience unforgettable moments filled with the most…

Runners Brave Minnesota Polar Vortex for 135-Mile Ultramarathon
You may be bundled up during the polar vortex that’s sweeping the nation, but for some outdoor enthusiasts, it was the perfect temperature for this year’s Arrowhead 135 ultramarathon. The a race is purposely held in late January or early…

Jovica Spajić, policajac-specijalac, Specijalna antiteroristička jedinica
“Predstavljao sam našu zemlju na najvećim svetskim ultramaratonima.Znanja stečena tokom ekstremnih trka izdržljivosti svakodnevno prenosim svojim kolegama u Specijalnoj antiterorističkoj jedinici. Mi treniramo svakodnevno jako i teško, da bi se sutra borili lako.” To smo mi! Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike…

IAU International 100 kilometers Ultramarathon and National Championship …
Sometimes you have to get out of your “comfort” zone to know how much more you have to do and work on yourself every day and in all fields of life … IAU International 100 kilometers Ultramarathon and National Championship…

The Tor des Géants
The Tor des Géants is one of the premier and greatest endurance trail running races in the world. It is a non-stop 205mile / 330km ultra-trail race covering an entire region; Running along spectacular Alpine trails, through the Gran Paradiso…

Spread the wings and feel real freedom… We make our own bonderies..

Projekat – Diskretni heroji – trag na papiru
Dragi prijatelji, čast mi je da vam predstavim prvi u nizu crteža u okviru projekta ” Diskretni heroji – trag na papiru”, koji se upravo ovim crtežom i rađa. Zamisao je da na komadu hartije, gledano iz svog ugla olovkom…